Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Hang on to Your Wallet

Hang on to your wallets!

The Democrats are already talking about hiking taxes up and the Bush administration isn't saying no...

Conservatives fear tax-increase deal

By Stephen Dinan


December 19, 2006

The Bush administration has sent signals since last month's elections that the president is prepared to accept some tax increases on upper-income families, worrying congressional Republicans and fiscal conservative watchdogs who say he will compromise with Democrats to win a legacy accomplishment.

These moves come even as Democrats have pledged to rein in earmarks, winning praise from the same conservative groups that are criticizing Mr. Bush.

The watchdog groups have been demanding that the president repeat his earlier pledges not to raise taxes in order to reform Social Security. But the White House has refused, with officials saying everything is on the table, including tax increases

God help us all.

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