Sunday, December 17, 2006

Extolling the Female Tongue

This is an interesting article from the American Thinker.

As a man, I agree.

Enough said...

By Selwyn Duke

A long time ago I read a short online piece about how women could get their men to put the toilet seat down. Inherent in it was the idea that this was an example of men’s lack of consideration and that the task at hand was one of disciplining these bad boys. I don’t know, my attitude is that if women can leave a toilet seat down, men can leave it up.

Of course, this is just a silly, pebble-in-the-shoe issue, but I see it as a metaphor for a modern phenomenon: The casting of women’s characteristic behaviors as the norm and men’s as dysfunctional deviations.

This is strikingly obvious with the topic of “communication.” Man has long known that women were the more loquacious sex, and you’ve probably heard of studies to this effect. A recent book states that women have about 20,000 “communication events” (I love these terms the psycho-babblers conjure up) a day, versus about 7,000 for men. But this is nothing new; who didn’t know a bevy of garrulous girls in school?

What is new is the assumption that this imputes superiority to women. Communication has become one of the buzzwords of modern psychology. And, whenever relationships are at issue – be it in a book, article, talk or interview – almost invariably an “expert” will inform us of two things. One is that women communicate more than men. The other is that an onus belongs on men as this “handicap” of theirs is an impediment to good relations. Why, men need to learn to communicate more and share their feelings, we’re told.

Did anyone ever think that maybe women communicate too darn much?

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