Sunday, December 10, 2006

Cop Killer's Caucus

The following congressmen all voted against a resolution to condemn the city of St. Denis, France for naming a street for a cop killer.
They are all democrats and one, John Conyers, is slated to be the chairman of the Judiciary Committee.
Life as we knew it is surely on a path to hell.

Cop Killer's Caucus

Neil Abercrombie (Hawaii)
Carolyn Kilpatrick (Mich.)
Robert Scott (Va.)
William Clay (Mo.)
Barbara Lee (Calif.)
Jose Serrano (N.Y.)
Emanuel Cleaver (Mo.)
Cynthia McKinney (Ga.)
Fortney Hillman Stark Jr. (Calif.)
John Conyers (Mich.)
Gregory Meeks (N.Y.)
Edolphus Towns (N.Y.)
Jim Cooper (Tenn.)
Jerrold Nadler (N.Y.)
Tom Udall (N.M.)
Danny Davis (Ill.)
James Oberstar (Min.)
Nydia Velazquez (N.Y.)
Raul Grijalva (Ariz.)
Major Owens (N.Y.)
Maxine Waters (Calif.)
Maurice Hinchey (N.Y.)
Ed Pastor (Ariz.)
Anthony Weiner (N.Y.)
Mike Honda (Calif.)
Donald Payne (N.J.)
Lynn Woolsey (Calif.)
Jesse Jackson Jr. (Ill.)
Charles Rangel (N.Y.)
Eddie Bernice Johnson (Texas)
Bobby Rush (Ill.)

The above congressmen are for the killer, not the victim. This is the typical left.
Just wait, this is just a warm up.

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