Tuesday, April 17, 2007

VA Tech Leads to Anti-gun Crap

My condolences to the students, faculty and parents of Virginia Tech. It is a tragedy that will not be forgotten.

The problem that I see though is the aftermath of this tragedy will lead to the media and the liberal lunatics all over the world decrying gun control.

Gun control is not the issue, unless you are advocating less.

If the students and faculty at the VT campus were allowed to carry a concealed weapon, which is the case in the rest of Virginia, the nut job that killed all these people, would likely have met his fate after the first incident, if not at that time.

The anti-gun lobby has it all wrong. If the idiot that did this knew that other students/faculty were possibly armed as well, this tragedy would have likely been avoided.

Shame on the media and the liberal lunatics for turning this into a anti-gun argument.

The Second Amendment is pretty clear on this.

1 comment:

Birdzilla said...

You cant ever trust these lying liberal left-wing journalists these lies about american gun smuggled into mexico are a perfect example of the antigun lies from these reptiles