On a more negative note, we bring back the Crap and Tax that was passed by the lemmings in Congress.
All of the assholes in Congress need to be fired. They are completely worthless and weak. Pathetic. The only interests they serve are their own.
Even the moron that “authored” the bill doesn’t know what the fuck is in the bill. Really? Good grief people! How the hell can you keep electing these morons?
Cap Taxes, Trade Congress
By Kyle-Anne Shiver
I’m all for cap ‘n trade; it’s a nifty idea. Simply splendid. Positively stupendous. Brilliant beyond brilliant.
I just have a different take on the whole notion. I prefer very stringent caps on taxes and spending, coupled with a 2010 trade-in of the entire U.S. Congress.
What in holy tarnation do those people think they’re getting paid to do?
While these Roman throwbacks attempt to save the planet, pagan style, so they can set up their Darwinian nirvana on earth, the rest of us have enough sense not to try to make the state our church.
Liberals: Learning Nothing and Forgetting Nothing
By Christopher Chantrill
A liberal acquaintance couldn’t understand why conservatives are impatient with Obama. Didn’t conservatives get enough of a chance with 30 years of Reagan and Bush, he asked?
OK, it’s true that conservatives did get some tax-rate cuts. And we did win the cold war. And we did roll back one social program, welfare, a little, for a while.
But conservatives look on the Obama administration so far and say: Liberals are like the French Bourbons — the royal house of France, Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette, deposed in the French Revolution.
Let’s cap and trade oxygen!
By James Lewis
Enough already with carbon cap and trade. I say let’s cap oxygen, and then tax any family that can’t achieve the Average Family Oxygen Target of 80% BOOTS (Before Obama Oxygen Trading Scheme). Remember, if you weren’t inhaling all that O2 you wouldn’t be belching out clouds of noxious CO2. Yuck. Yes, I know oil refineries smell bad and coal looks dirty. But none of that carbon would ever see the light of day if it weren’t for all the oxygen you suck in, you greed bucket. So let’s get down to root causes.
Here’s the goal. If we can only get five billion people around the world to breathe 20% less oxygen per person, we would Save the Planet from Global Warming. Just like that!
Twenty percent less O2 going into your body means 20% less CO2 out-gassing, atom-for-atom. It’s just like cutting down the world population by a billion polluting oxygen hogs.
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