Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Terrorists Launch Google Guide

This is from Jawa Report:

Because you can't spell jihad without GOOGLE.

An organization calling itself 'The Jihad Media Battalion' (alt, brigade), which is linked to al Qaeda in Iraq, has produced a 26 page guide for using the Google search engine to further the goals of the global jihad. The group was formed to promote the dissemination of al Qaeda and other Salafist jihadi propaganda.

According to the authors of the guide, the purpose of learning how to properly use Google is to

remind our Muslim brothers in general, and the mujahideen in particular, the need to learn the arts of jihad on the internet and Jihad media

Why Google? The guide gives users the tools necessary to find information on the internet that will further the cause of the media jihad. Namely, how to search for information which will bolster the Islamist worldview that there is a war being waged by the U.S. against Islam, that atrocities are being committed by the West in this war, and that the mujahidin are winning this war.
Take action people.
Get off your ass and start fighting these people, or we'll end up fighting them here in America.

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