Tuesday, January 23, 2007

'Scientist' Group's Funding Comes with Liberal 'Strings Attached'

'Scientist' Group's Funding Comes with Liberal 'Strings Attached'

By Kevin Mooney
CNSNews.com Staff Writer
January 23, 2007

(CNSNews.com) - At a time when the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) is censuring free market organizations for accepting donations from ExxonMobil, critics have turned the spotlight back onto the UCS, its left-wing positions, and its own funding practices.

In a recent report, the UCS charged that organizations are using oil industry money to create public uncertainty about what it calls "consensus" about climate change and the role of human activity in affecting temperatures see related story. Organizations named in the report have denied the claims.

The UCS describes itself as an "alliance" of over 200,000 citizens and scientists that initially came together in 1969. It integrates "independent scientific research" with "citizen action" for the purpose of developing and implementing "changes to government policy, corporate practices and consumer choices."

But critics say it is an openly political group.

According to James Dellinger, executive director of Greenwatch - a project of the Capital Research Center - the UCS has a long financial association with elements that have a "partisan view of science."

David Martosko, executive director of ActivistCash.com - a division of the Center for Consumer Freedom - agrees. He told Cybercast News Service the UCS would be "more aptly named the Union of Pro-Regulation, Anti-Business Scientists."


Also, read this comment from Kevin McCullough


MSM Bias

When is it not?
Take for example the fact that there was a rather large pro-life demonstration in Washington D.C. on the 22nd of January.
Where was the media coverage?

Had it been an anti-life (pro-abortion) rally, it would have been plastered in every newspaper as their number one story, with pictures to go along with it.

Had it been Cindy Sheehan running her mouth, again it would have been front page news.

Here's a site that has many pictures of the pro-life rally.

Harry Reid and Iran

As I have warned before, the Democrats will do anything in their imagination to ruin this country.
One way is by empowering our adversaries with their rhetoric.

Let's take a look at their latest blunder...

Today's New York Sun editorial:

"Since Washington's hostile and hawkish policies have always been against the Iranian nation, this defeat is actually an obvious victory for the Iranian nation."

—The supreme leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, November 10, 2006.

Not since Dean Acheson helped provoke a North Korean invasion of the south on January 12, 1950, by stating publicly that Seoul was not part of America's defense perimeter has a Democrat so blundered. That's the appropriate way to describe Senator Reid's remarks Friday at the National Press Club.

"The president does not have the authority to launch military action in Iran without first seeking congressional authorization," the Senate majority leader said, standing next to Speaker Pelosi.

The present situation differs from the one 57 years ago in that the enemy, in this case Iran, is already in Iraq. The Iranians are manning outposts our GIs are raiding. The Iranians are infiltrating the Iraqi government and interior ministry. But the stakes for the American interest are similarly high. And there is enough ambiguity about America's intentions in Iraq in light of the Democratic victory in November that Mr. Reid's remarks could have the same devastating effects as Mr. Acheson's.


Monday, January 22, 2007

Governor’s health plan under fire

Governor’s health plan under fire

Some doctors complain proposed fees are really taxes levied against them
Ryan Orr January 22, 2007

Many High Desert residents involved in the sales and delivery of healthcare agree that universal healthcare is a wonderful notion, but the governor’s proposal has many of them questioning their future, and even the constitution.
Details on how the governor plans to give healthcare to the 6.6 million uninsured people in California have not yet been disclosed. What has been clearly stated is that doctors will be charged a 2 percent fee and hospitals will pay a 4 percent fee on revenue. Employers with 10 or more employees will be charged 4 percent of their payroll to fund the program.


Friday, January 19, 2007

The Weather Channel Mess AKA Global Warming is BS.

The Weather Channel Mess

January 18, 2007 | James Spann | Op/Ed
Well, well. Some “climate expert” on “The Weather Channel” wants to take away AMS certification from those of us who believe the recent “global warming” is a natural process. So much for “tolerance”, huh?
I have been in operational meteorology since 1978, and I know dozens and dozens of broadcast meteorologists all over the country. Our big job: look at a large volume of raw data and come up with a public weather forecast for the next seven days. I do not know of a single TV meteorologist who buys into the man-made global warming hype. I know there must be a few out there, but I can’t find them. Here are the basic facts you need to know:
*Billions of dollars of grant money is flowing into the pockets of those on the man-made global warming bandwagon. No man-made global warming, the money dries up. This is big money, make no mistake about it. Always follow the money trail and it tells a story. Even the lady at “The Weather Channel” probably gets paid good money for a prime time show on climate change. No man-made global warming, no show, and no salary. Nothing wrong with making money at all, but when money becomes the motivation for a scientific conclusion, then we have a problem. For many, global warming is a big cash grab.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Get the word out on Socialist Anti-War Lies

"65 people who are going to be able to get more press than the hundreds of thousands who have come back and said they're proud of their service." - White House Press Secretary Tony Snow, about Appeal for Redress

Spread the word about Appeal for Redress's false claims that they are a grassroots campaign. They are anything but a grass roots organization. They are a well-organized, orchestrated, and funded machine.

Send this link to everyone you know in and around the military, the media, op-ed columnists, etc.


Greyhawk at Mudville lays out the path that this group has taken in order to look like a legit grassroots movement. They are trying to cover up his discovery even as you are reading this.

If you do not think that it's important to spread the word, the false story about Appeal for Redress keeps getting distributed. Just GoogleNews "Appeal for Redress".

I copied all of the above from Blackfive.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

State-Run Health Care

Schwarzenegger Proposes Universal Health Coverage
California Plan Could Cost State $12 Billion
Where do you think this money is coming from? All the rich people, right? Not even close.

LOS ANGELES, Jan. 8 -- Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) on Monday proposed a system of universal health insurance for Californians that would make the nation's most populous state the third to guarantee medical coverage for all its residents.

The only guarantee I see in this is higher taxes for every working stiff in the state, and a crappier health care system than the one we presently have.
If you think the lines are long in hospitals now, wait until this goes in to effect.

"Prices for health care and insurance are rising twice as fast as inflation, twice as fast as wages. That is a terrible drain on everyone, and it is a drain on our economy," Schwarzenegger said. "My solution is that everyone in California must have insurance. If you can't afford it, the state will help you buy it, but you must be insured."

That isn't a solution, it is a bigger problem. Giving everyone health care insurance whether they pay for it, or I do, isn't solving anything. It is merely creating an environment conducive to more illegal immigration, and one in which I will begin looking into leaving this state. Sorry, but this state isn't the be all state. I refuse to pay for someone else's issues, I have my own.

Are Nurses Pushing State Run Health Care?

Read the whole thing, I merely inserted the statement below for my own reasons.

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has said he will veto a Senate bill establishing a state-run system to provide medical care to every resident. The CNA sponsored that bill, which is strongly opposed by the insurance industry.

Nice flip-flop. This is exactly why I did not vote for this Hollywood Shleprock.

New York Medicaid Fraud May Reach Into Billions

This is a prime example of what will happen when this state decides to add universal health care to its many socialist agendas.

It was created 40 years ago to provide health care for the poorest New Yorkers, offering a lifeline to those who could not afford to have a baby or a heart attack. But in the decades since, New York State's Medicaid program has also become a $44.5 billion target for the unscrupulous and the opportunistic.

Unscrupulous and opportunistic, eh? Sounds like politicians to me, but hey, I guess doctors and dentists can screw the state over just as easily.

It has drawn dentists like Dr. Dolly Rosen, who within 12 months somehow built the state's biggest Medicaid dental practice out of a Brooklyn storefront, where she claimed to have performed as many as 991 procedures a day in 2003. After The New York Times discovered her extraordinary billings through a computer analysis and questioned the state about them, Dr. Rosen and two associates were indicted on charges of stealing more than $1 million from the program.

Gov. seeks sweeping health system reforms

Didn't Hillary try proposing this crap on a national level?

SACRAMENTO -- Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger today proposed upending just about every portion of the healthcare industry in one of the country's most elaborate efforts at holding down medical costs and expanding insurance to those who don't have it.

Schwarzenegger's plan, which he publicly unveiled at noon, would require employers with 10 workers or more to buy insurance for their workers or pay a fee of 4% of their payroll into a program to help provide coverage for the uninsured.

Here's an idea! Let's have the employers that are still in the state pay for it! What a great way to add jobs! What a genius.

Schwarzenegger would tax doctors 2% of their gross revenue and place a 4% tax on hospitals. He campaigned for reelection on an anti-tax platform, but his administration argues that so many more people would have insurance that medical providers would make more money.

Wait! We can tax the doctors and hospitals that provide the services too! What a great idea! That will keep the doctors here in the state and get more hospitals to open up too!
How genius I am.

The governor also wants to ban insurers from refusing to offer coverage to some individuals because of their prior medical conditions. Insurers would also have to spend at least 85% of their premium revenues on patient care, a move that would limit the amount companies spend on administrative costs and profits.

Require them to cover everyone and they'll raise the rates on everyone that is already paying for their own insurance! Man this is going to be great!

The governor gives up on the market

Read this entire article, excellent piece.

His health-care plan would regulate, centralize, restrict choice and add taxes

Gov. Schwarzenegger's plan, which unbelievably promises to lower costs and increase coverage, is an exercise in Orwellian logic.

"Fixing health care requires changes from all of us," said Kim Belshe, the governor's Health and Human Services secretary. The key word is "requires," which is a concept anathema to the free market, but ever-present in government, which by nature restricts, rather than frees.

The governor's $12 billion plan would require every individual to have health insurance, whether he wants it or not, and every employer of 10 or more to provide it, or pay into a state insurance fund. After promising for months no new taxes to finance his scheme, Gov. Schwarzenegger revealed Monday what he really meant: a 4 percent payroll "fee" imposed on businesses with 10 or more employees who don't conform to the mandate to buy insurance, a 4 percent "fee" on hospital revenue and a 2 percent "fee" on doctors' income.

Does anyone really think that this is the way Americans want their health care? Does he really think I want to pay for everyone else's health care?
What doctor in their right mind would stay in this state knowing that the state will screw him out of more of his money?
What hospital would open in this environment?

I can envision a lot more hospitals closing their doors here because of this system.
The CNA will start wringing their hands when their nurses find out that this pipe dream of theirs causes them to lose jobs because the cost is prohibitive.

I think it is time for me to start looking for a job in another state.

Sex-offender stings get thousands of illegals

Sex-offender stings get thousands of illegals
Experts still concerned U.S. children could become prey to repeat offenders

By Chelsea Schilling
© 2007 WorldNetDaily.com

More than 9,000 sex offenders have been arrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials through a series of stings called Operation Predator in three years of operation, a 2006 Department of Homeland Security Report says. But some experts are wondering if the efforts are enough to protect innocent American children from being preyed on by returning criminal alien sex offenders.

Foreign nationals account for roughly 85 percent of child sex offenders arrested by the operation, which was launched by Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge in July 2003, officials say. And as WND previously has reported, authorities also have linked illegal aliens to a wave of gang-rapes across the U.S.

The program was designed to safeguard children from foreign national pedophiles, human traffickers and international sex tourists, and in the first year alone, ICE arrested more than 3,200 child predators in the U.S. who committed forms of child exploitation.

But Deborah Schurman-Kauflin, a researcher of violent crimes and criminal profiler who consults with FBI, state and local police, told WND, "Illegal immigrants who commit sex crimes first cross the U.S. border illegally, then gradually commit worse crimes and are continually released back into society or deported. Those who were deported simply returned illegally again. There is a clear pattern of criminal escalation. From misdemeanors such as assault or DUI, to drug offenses, illegal immigrants who commit sex crimes break U.S. laws repeatedly."


Cartoonist Who Created Scooby-Doo Dies

RIP and thanks for the Scooby-Doo memories.

Cartoonist Who Created Scooby-Doo Dies

Jan 9, 6:36 AM (ET)


LOS ANGELES (AP) - In a career that spanned more than six decades, Iwao Takamoto assisted in the designs of some of the biggest animated features and television shows, including "Cinderella,""Peter Pan,""Lady and the Tramp" and "The Flintstones."

But it was Takamoto's creation of Scooby-Doo, the cowardly dog with an adventurous heart, that captivated audiences and endured for generations.

Takamoto died Monday of heart failure at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Warner Bros. spokesman Gary Miereanu said. He was 81.

Born in Los Angeles to parents who had emigrated from Japan, Takamoto graduated high school when World War II began. He and his family were sent to the Manzanar internment camp in the California desert, where he learned the art of illustration from fellow internees.

Despite a lack of formal training, he landed an interview with Walt Disney Studios when he returned to Los Angeles and was hired as an apprentice.

Takamoto worked under the tutelage of Disney's "nine old men," the studio's team of legendary animators responsible for its biggest full-length films before moving to Hanna-Barbera Studios in 1961. There he worked on cartoons for television, including "Josie and the Pussy Cats,""The Great Grape Ape Show,""Harlem Globe Trotters" and "The Secret Squirrel Show."


Democrats to Challenge Bush's Iraq Plan

These nazi fucks are going to attempt to screw over the troops, but since they already apporved the war, they can't stop the President from executing it as he sees fit, hence the title, Commander in Chief.
Nice try though. Any bullshit the Demoncraps try to push through will get vetoed.

Democrats to Challenge Bush's Iraq Plan

an 9, 9:58 AM (ET)


WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush is telling lawmakers he will send thousands more U.S. troops to Iraq's two most troubled regions, in a plan that Democrats are resisting as a major escalation of a 31/2-year-old war.

Bush on Wednesday will announce a new war strategy and is expected to call for as many as 20,000 additional troops, according to several senators briefed by the president on Monday.

On Tuesday, Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin, D-Mich., said he expects Bush to announce that up to 20,000 additional troops will be sent to Iraq, but will not say how long the extra forces will be there. Levin, who spoke to reporters a day after meeting with White House national security adviser Stephen Hadley, said he thinks Bush will signal that the overall U.S. commitment in Iraq is not open-ended.

The extra forces would be sent to Baghdad, which has been consumed by sectarian violence, and the western Anbar Province, a base of the mostly Sunni insurgency and foreign al-Qaida fighters, Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas, and others said following the session with Bush.

U.S. Launches New Attacks in Somalia

U.S. Launches New Attacks in Somalia

an 9, 9:47 AM (ET)


MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) - A Somali official says U.S. helicopter gunships have launched new attacks against suspected al-Qaida terrorists. An earlier U.S. airstrike hit targets in southern Somalia where Islamic militants were believed to be sheltering suspects in the 1998 bombings of two U.S. embassies, Somali officials and witnesses said Tuesday. Many people were reported killed.

Monday's attack was the first overt military action by the U.S. in Somalia since it led a U.N. force in the 1990s that intervened in Somalia in an effort to fight famine. The mission led to clashes between U.N. forces and Somali warlords, including the "Black Hawk Down" battle that left 18 U.S. servicemen dead.

Helicopter gunships launched new attacks Tuesday near the scene of a U.S. airstrike in the village of Hayi, although it was not clear if they were American or Ethiopian aircraft, and it was not known if there were any casualties.

Two helicopters "fired several rockets toward the road that leads to the Kenyan border," said Ali Seed Yusuf, a resident of the town of Afmadow in southern Somalia.

The aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower arrived off Somalia's coast and launched intelligence-gathering missions over Somalia, the military said. Three other U.S. warships are conducting anti-terror operations off the Somali coast.


Monday, January 8, 2007

Study: Amniotic Fluid Yields Stem Cells

Study: Amniotic Fluid Yields Stem Cells

Jan 7, 7:09 PM (ET)

Scientists reported Sunday they had found a plentiful source of stem cells in the fluid that cushions babies in the womb and produced a variety of tissue types from these cells - sidestepping the controversy over destroying embryos for research.

Researchers at Wake Forest University and Harvard University reported the stem cells they drew from amniotic fluid donated by pregnant women hold much the same promise as embryonic stem cells. They reported they were able to extract the stem cells without harm to mother or fetus and turn their discovery into several different tissue cell types, including brain, liver and bone.

"Our hope is that these cells will provide a valuable resource for tissue repair and for engineered organs as well," said Dr. Anthony Atala, head of Wake Forest's regenerative medicine institute and senior researcher on the project.

It took Atala's team some seven years of research to determine the cells they found were truly stem cells that "can be used to produce a broad range of cells that may be valuable for therapy."

Sunday, January 7, 2007

New Muslim congressman avoids loyalty questions

This is a bad sign. I think this guy needs to answer as to where his loyalties really lie.

From World Net Daily

When the first Muslim congressman in U.S. history, Keith Ellison (Hakim-Mohammed) of Minnesota, won the 2006 election and was making the regular thank-you-to-my-supporters speech, he allowed his fans to shout, "Allahu Akbar!," the same phrase allegedly used by the 9/11 suicide pilots.

Since November he's addressed various different Islamic groups and organizations, and he's used the Quran to be sworn into office. He's also been linked to Islamic organizations with questionable agendas.

What he hasn't done is respond to requests from WND to confirm that he will, in fact, base his decisions on the laws of the United States on the U.S. Constitution, not the Quran.

It was during his campaign that he raised the issue of his Islamic beliefs himself, and confirmed then that they would play a large role in his decision-making process:

World Net Daily

Hate Speach

“Muslims are the vilest of animals…”

“Show mercy to one another, but be ruthless to Muslims”

“How perverse are Muslims!”

“Strike off the heads of Muslims, as well as their fingertips”

“Fight those Muslims who are near to you”

“Muslim mischief makers should be murdered or crucified”

Religion of Peace.com

Friday, January 5, 2007

Billions of Dollars are Heading Mexico's Way!

U.S.-Mexico Pact Revealed: Billions to Non-citizens
Dave Eberhart
Friday, Jan. 5, 2007

WASHINGTON -- As a result of lawsuits, the U.S. government released this week the actual U.S.-Mexico Social Security Totalization Agreement, an understanding signed between the Bush administration and the Mexican government in 2004 that would funnel billions of Social Security funds to Mexican citizens.

TREA Senior Citizens League, a Washington-based nonpartisan seniors group, announced this week that after Freedom of Information Act lawsuits it filed against the government, it had received the secret agreement document.

Brad Phillips, a spokesperson for TREA, told NewsMax that the language in the agreement "raises more questions than it answers — such as what is the cost and who is going to pay."

The GAO has already warned that as a result of this agreement, the number of unauthorized Mexican workers and family members eligible for social security benefits will likely increase.

When are we going to learn?

This administration and the newly elected Democrats are going to ruin this country with the shit they are handing us in relation to Mexico.

illegal immigrants are going to get a pass and my tax dollars are funding this crap.

Wake the fuck up America! We are being over-run by Mexicans and will cease to exist as the America that I defended.

Stocking up on guns and ammo seems to be the prudent thing to do.

I am also going to look into moving the fuck out of this state. At least then I might be able to delay the inevitable.

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Stop the Madness!!

This guy just doesn't know when to quit.

Now he proposes to insure all children in the state of California, including illegal immigrant children.

Why don't we just get rid of the border while you're at it?

If this passes, then the rest of Mexico with their uninsured children will stream across the border at their earliest convenience whenever one of their kids has any illness bigger than a cold.

Who is going to pay for this?

My pay is already taxed beyond reason; so is the gas in this state. Taxing smokers isn't going to work either.

Stop the madness!!

Gov. to seek insurance for all children

By Jordan Rau, Times Staff Writer

January 4, 2007

SACRAMENTO — Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger will propose that all
Californian children, including those in the state illegally, be
guaranteed medical insurance as part of the healthcare overhaul he
intends to unveil next week, according to officials familiar with the

If enacted by the Legislature, his proposal would affect about 763,000
children who now lack insurance. Although the administration has not
revealed details of how it would pay for such a program, officials
estimate that extending insurance to all children could cost the state
as much as $400 million a year.

That would be a small piece of Schwarzenegger's stated goal: to ensure
medical coverage for all of the 6.5 million Californians who now have
none. Experts say that could cost upward of $10 billion a year.

Although California will not be the first to cover all children, it
has fewer employers providing insurance and more illegal immigrants
than other states, making coverage more challenging. This also means that Joe Tax Payer is the one that will be hammered. I have enough problems paying for the things that my family needs and wants. I include wants, because last time I checked, this is still a capatalist society.

Get off your dead ass and get a job, or two if necessary and pay for your own health care.

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Wednesday, January 3, 2007

First Lie

Here's the first lie from Pelosi that has been detected. She hasn't even been sworn in yet.

This is a story about John Conyers. Yes, the idiot that is set to head the House Judiciary Committee.

Imperial John Conyers

Conyers, by the way, is no congressional novice. He's been a member of the House for no less than 42 years.

But as long as he follows some new procedures, the Ethics Committee
declared, "This matter will remain closed and the committee will take
no further action on it."

Including making public whether or not the allegations against Conyers are true.

That's a pretty astonishing way to dispose of accusations about
practices that labeled "unethical, if not criminal" by one of Conyers'
own chiefs of staff - who then resigned, saying she "could not tolerate
[them] any longer."

And the fact that the committee's Republicans went along with it
speaks volumes as to why the GOP is now in the minority - not to
mention the extent of the unseemly mutual back-scratching that
permeates Capitol Hill.

Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats promised to do something about ethics once they took control of Congress.

Here's a very good place to start - by finding someone else to head the Judiciary Committee.

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Pelosi Set to Attack Conservatives

Dave Eberhart, NewsMax
Tuesday, Jan. 2, 2007

Leading Capitol Hill watchdogs are sounding alarms by plans of the soon-to-be Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and her majority of House Democrats to ram through a new law that would seriously undermine free speech – and put restrictions on conservative groups and others who encourage ordinary citizens to directly deal with Congress.

Pelosi has already stated she is planning to push through major legislation during the first 100 session hours after the Democrats take control of Congress this week.

At the top of the list is seemingly good legislation intended to curb the power of lobbyists. But the Pelosi law goes far beyond bridling Washington influence peddlers. Under her proposed legislation, Pelosi will seek to control and limit any organization in America from encouraging citizens to communicate and influence Congress.

Unlike the other Pelosi New Year's resolutions (committing to no new deficit spending, fully enacting the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission, raising the minimum wage, letting the feds bargain on prices for Medicare drugs, ramping-up stem cell research, cutting interest rates on college loans, cutting subsidies to oil companies, or protecting the status quo with Social Security), this one has the hackles up and bristling early on.

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Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Where's the Beef?

Global warming and other nutty issues...

January 02, 2007
Where`s the Beef?
By Timothy Birdnow

In the mid 1980`s the
Wendy's Hamburger chain ran a very successful advertising campaign in
which an octogenarian (who sounded amazingly like Helen Thomas)
bellyached about the stingy amount of meat on her sandwich;
"where`s the beef?"
became a nationally known slogan, and embodied the prosperity of our
nation. We were red blooded Americans, by God, proud and vigorous,
hearty appetites for red blooded all American beef!

In many ways, this advertising campaign embodied part of what it means to
be an American; beef lies at the heart of our cuisine, and was the
staple of the cowboy, the cavalrymen, the settlers on the Great Plains.
The Texas Longhorn wandering the dusty backcountry of the Lone Star
State was the symbol of American grit, American independence and
cussedness. The dairy farms with their quaint barns and quiet pastoral
scenes in Wisconsin or Iowa were a part of Americana as were the great
open ranches of Montana, or the boxcars transporting cattle across the
width and breadth of these United States.
Oh so true...